With five years having passed since our last travel blog, it feels a bit strange to be staring at this empty canvas of Microsoft Word, attempting to channel a voice that has been long since forgotten. A voice that once documented the boundaryless limits of myself and my lifetime travel companion Julie “Still Not Sure This is What I Signed Up For” Moehlig. A voice that once inspired such memorable quotes as:
“Could you please remove me from your blog email – I really don’t have time for this in my life right now.” “I find your blogs are a great way to pass the time when I have to breastfeed at 3AM.” “I agree, I also read your posts while I am breastfeeding.” And thus, with my words inspiring a generation of newly-suckled babies, I decided it was time to rebirth the blog. Rename the blog. And fork over about $120 to make it seem borderline legit (cause let’s be honest, telling people to go to blah-blah-blah-dot-weebly-dot-com just doesn’t flow off the tongue as well as it should). So, here we stand. Me. You. The Travel Editor of the New York Times searching the blogosphere for the next David Sedaris. All of us, joined together, soon to experience what has been best described by those closest to us, as “a terrible, just terrible decision.” But more on that to come. For now, bookmark the website. Subscribe. Reply-all on your next company-wide email. Introduce as a fun topic at your next Qanon mixer event. Anything to “spread the word” as the kids say. Or said? Or will say again? Maybe as soon as this weird “mom pants” phase comes to a hopeful end. You get the point. Next Post: The Move – Dissected, Probed and Then Probed Some More
Mark Soskolne
7/31/2021 12:49:55 pm
Wow, what a great blog! Somebody should really start paying you to do this for a living!
8/1/2021 07:18:40 pm
This blog WOULD be good breastfeeding material.
Mark Soskolne
8/1/2021 07:48:35 pm
We aim to serve
8/1/2021 09:46:46 pm
Excited to follow your blog this time since I'll soon have another kiddo to breastfeed. :)
8/1/2021 11:40:13 pm
This is awesome, Skone. I will be a devoted reader.
Mark Soskolne
8/2/2021 07:25:29 am
Pity laughs are just as appreciated as genuine laughs!
Mark Soskolne
8/2/2021 07:23:48 am
I think I've found my new target market. And congrats on the future miniature version of you!
Debbie Wagner (aka Soskolne)
8/2/2021 01:24:56 am
Will be amazing for you to get this side of the world again. Still think you nuts, but your so inspirational with your adventures and now even more so with kids in tow. Travel safe Cuz.
Mark Soskolne
8/2/2021 07:26:50 am
"Nuts" is the nicest thing anyone has said to us about our impending trip! Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Allen Swaine
8/2/2021 05:44:33 pm
Looking forward to following your latest expedition to Cape Town. Please feel free to contact me for any useful or useless information about your new hood for the next 12 months. Safe travels!
Mark Soskolne
8/2/2021 07:32:47 pm
Thanks for the offer Allen! Let’s give it a go:
Betsi Schumacher
8/3/2021 06:50:28 am
Talk about a cliffhanger!! Can't wait to keep reading 🙂
Mark Soskolne
8/7/2021 06:49:28 pm
Thanks Z! And I promise to finish each post with Sylvester Stallone-esque anticipation.
David Soskolne
8/7/2021 12:55:17 pm
Safe travels y’all!! Can’t wait to see the photos.
Mark Soskolne
8/7/2021 06:50:06 pm
Thanks David! Photos will come, as soon as we are actually able to travel to the country where we want to take them!
3/14/2022 01:45:02 am
What an exquisite article! Your post is very helpful right now. Thank you for sharing this informative one.
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PRIOR BLOG POSTS: Year Abroad Intro: • Welcome to our Newest Blog! Again! • The Move - Dissected, Probed and Then Probed Some More • The Voyage (Part 1) - If At First You Don't Succeed, Trying Again Won't Work Either • The Voyage (Part 2) - The Layover to Rule All Other Layovers • A Personal Life Update - Establishing Our Shallow Roots A Guide to South Africa: • How to be an Expat When You Aren't Technically an Expat (Part 1 - Bank Accounts) • How to be an Expat, When You Aren't Technically an Expat (Part 2 - Health Insurance) • Load Shedding - Keeping the Lights Off in South Africa Since 2007 • 195 Ways to Fight a Pandemic - The South Africa Edition • Halloween in South Africa - Playing Catch-Up Since 2016 • SnapScan - South Africa's Glimpse into America's Future • Thanksgiving in South Africa - Where My Turkeys Be At? • Life at the Epicenter of Omicron - A Different Type of Cancel Culture • Playgrounds - The Starbucks of South Africa • Cost of Living in South Africa - An Exploratory Journey of Everyday Expenses Trips: • Namibia Roadtrip (1 of 3) - Driving a Shake Weight to Sossusvlei • Namibia Roadtrip (2 of 3) - Searching for Souls in Swakopmund • Namibia Roadtrip (3 of 3) - Getting our Safari on at Etosha National Park • Weekend Getaway in Robertson - A Trip Down Pleasantville Lane • Summer Holiday Trip (1 of 3) - Glamping Without the Glam in the Drakensberg Mountains • Summer Holiday Trip (2 of 3) - The Historical Chronicles of Kruger National Park • Summer Holiday Trip (3 of 3) - Searching for Whales and Spare Tires in the Overberg • Visitors Round 1 - The Woodmans - An Expedited Exploration of Everything • The Great Wildebeest Migration - 15 Years of Waiting Decided in 15 Minutes • Ngorongoro Crater - A Pre-Migration Layover Inside an Inverted Volcano • Ndutu - The Safari to Rule All Other Safaris • Serengeti National Park - Seeking Out Simba at an Abandoned Pride Rock • Zanzibar - The Island of Sugar, Spice and Most Things Nice • Visitors Round 2 - Let's Ignore Our Sanity & Do All The Things • Wild Coast - A Little Tatse of the O.G. South Africa Cape Towning: • Spring Break in September - Just as Strange as it Sounds • A Day in the Life of a South African Expat - The Visual Edition • A Wrinkle in Our Spare Time • Our Final Week in South Africa - A Bittersweet Symphony of Bucket Lists The Other Stuff: • This is 40: The South Africa Version |