As a self-declared travel blogger who relies heavily on the presence of disfunction & disorder as to create memorable, and occasionally laughable posts, every now and then I am confronted with an unavoidable predicament. A situation whereby no matter how hard I try, and how much sarcasm I utilize, I am unable to find any eccentricities or unconventionalities (thank you Thesaurus) in our travels. No hilarious interactions. No unexplainable phenomenon. Just an overall agreeable & pleasant journey. You know, the type that warms the grandparents’ hearts yet causes everyone else to try “swipe right” (bad is right, right?). Yes, that.
However, since I made the inane personal promise to release a new blog post each and every week, it is my solemn duty to abide by this undertaking. Despite the insurmountable challenge it poses to my self-worth as an amateur blogger. Because, at the end of the day, there is a small fraction of blog readers who blame us for allegedly “stealing” their grandchildren, and from time to time, we do need to appease them, despite the repercussions such a decision has on the “comedic element” of these blog posts. Thus, to compromise on all fronts, please find a fairly abridged and CliffsNotes-esque version of our weekend getaway, with the occasionally interspersed attempts at failed humor:
What were the highlights?
What were the lowlights?
And there you have it. A very nice. Very enjoyable. Somewhat relaxing. Overall agreeable, weekend away. Onto the pics:
11/22/2021 07:27:53 pm
Lovely! This all makes me so happy to see!
11/23/2021 12:09:13 pm
Unfortunately Reese's has not ventured over to the African continent. Thus, Lindt Dark Mint was the secondary chocolate of choice. Has a nice ring to it though, wouldn't you say?
11/23/2021 07:57:05 am
#poolnoodlepistorious was fantastic. Hilariously pleasant
11/23/2021 12:10:23 pm
We are anxiously awaiting the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services to respond to our request for confirmation
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PRIOR BLOG POSTS: Year Abroad Intro: • Welcome to our Newest Blog! Again! • The Move - Dissected, Probed and Then Probed Some More • The Voyage (Part 1) - If At First You Don't Succeed, Trying Again Won't Work Either • The Voyage (Part 2) - The Layover to Rule All Other Layovers • A Personal Life Update - Establishing Our Shallow Roots A Guide to South Africa: • How to be an Expat When You Aren't Technically an Expat (Part 1 - Bank Accounts) • How to be an Expat, When You Aren't Technically an Expat (Part 2 - Health Insurance) • Load Shedding - Keeping the Lights Off in South Africa Since 2007 • 195 Ways to Fight a Pandemic - The South Africa Edition • Halloween in South Africa - Playing Catch-Up Since 2016 • SnapScan - South Africa's Glimpse into America's Future • Thanksgiving in South Africa - Where My Turkeys Be At? • Life at the Epicenter of Omicron - A Different Type of Cancel Culture • Playgrounds - The Starbucks of South Africa • Cost of Living in South Africa - An Exploratory Journey of Everyday Expenses Trips: • Namibia Roadtrip (1 of 3) - Driving a Shake Weight to Sossusvlei • Namibia Roadtrip (2 of 3) - Searching for Souls in Swakopmund • Namibia Roadtrip (3 of 3) - Getting our Safari on at Etosha National Park • Weekend Getaway in Robertson - A Trip Down Pleasantville Lane • Summer Holiday Trip (1 of 3) - Glamping Without the Glam in the Drakensberg Mountains • Summer Holiday Trip (2 of 3) - The Historical Chronicles of Kruger National Park • Summer Holiday Trip (3 of 3) - Searching for Whales and Spare Tires in the Overberg • Visitors Round 1 - The Woodmans - An Expedited Exploration of Everything • The Great Wildebeest Migration - 15 Years of Waiting Decided in 15 Minutes • Ngorongoro Crater - A Pre-Migration Layover Inside an Inverted Volcano • Ndutu - The Safari to Rule All Other Safaris • Serengeti National Park - Seeking Out Simba at an Abandoned Pride Rock • Zanzibar - The Island of Sugar, Spice and Most Things Nice • Visitors Round 2 - Let's Ignore Our Sanity & Do All The Things • Wild Coast - A Little Tatse of the O.G. South Africa Cape Towning: • Spring Break in September - Just as Strange as it Sounds • A Day in the Life of a South African Expat - The Visual Edition • A Wrinkle in Our Spare Time • Our Final Week in South Africa - A Bittersweet Symphony of Bucket Lists The Other Stuff: • This is 40: The South Africa Version |